Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Serious Question ????!!!!

I am sitting here watching this Real Housewives of Atlanta Marathon they are having because of the season premiere that will happen tonight at ten. If you didn't know now you know. I am a little frustrated watching this because a situation that happened on the series currently happened to me and I just realized it. So of course I had to share it with you. My question is, if you are my friend I mean my true friend, why would I ever lie to you? I mean my personal belief is if I am a true friend of yours I wouldn't lie to you. I would not tell you that you looked good in something if you did not because I would be setting you up to look a hot ass mess in public. One of my latest tweets the other day was: Real friends tell you the truth, fake friends stroke your ego. Also, it is not about keeping someone down because I would not do that to a friend but if your wrong then I am going to tell you your wrong and that will be that.

On the show, Kim and Sharae started to get close and they decided that they had haters. Now this is kind of off topic but something that needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!Now a hater is someone that tries to put you down for no reason. Someone who cannot do what you can do so they try to pull you down in the dumps with them. What most over-sensitive people fail to realize is, sometimes people are just trying to help you. Because it is worse when you get out in the public eye and everyone is laughing at you because you thought you were talented and their laughs confirm that your not.

A friend is someone who is just keeping it real and has your best interest at heart. Now Kim wanted to be a singer and
Nene being the good friend she was told her that she couldn't sing which is true. I mean I know we are all entitled to our opinions but truth is truth. Anyone can listen to that women and know that she is not a singer. I mean it just is not in her deck of cards the almighty gave her. So to call someone a hater because someone told you the truth breeds an insecurity one has with themselves. This is just my opinion but it is unbelieveable that people are so quick to call someone a hater just because they were honest.

So she gets mad at Nene for telling her the truth and goes to Sharae that will only soothe her ego by telling her to believe in her dreams and all of this bull...Now I am all for having dreams but you have to have the tools to at least work toward attaining the dream or goal you have in mind. I mean you cannot be a dancer without having danced or trained to be one. It's just common sense to me but I am fully aware that everyone does not think the same way I do. In the end Nene was labeled as a "hater" and Kim basically abandoned a friend because that friend told her the truth. I mean it makes no sense to me at all.

This happened to me which is the main reason I am writing this post. But now that I look at it, my friend and I had more holes in our relationship that reached deeper then just me telling him the truth. We really had little in common except the fact that we are both writers and black men trying to make it. I don't think we will ever be as close as we once were because I am not here to pad a person's ego or listen to someone who is so self involved that it makes my ears bleed. But I hope that for professional purposes we are able to be cordial to one another and still become fab journalists.

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