I am doing a lot of self reflection these days. I don't know, I am just all out of sorts because of personal things I am going through but this is neither here nor there. I was wondering certain things about myself.
Why do I feel ashamed of being gay sometimes?
Why am I sooo afraid to stare at men when I am in public.
Why am I afraid when men look at me?
Who am I as a gay individual within this society?
Why do I try to put labels on everything?
See one of my biggest problems is I always put labels on everything in this life. I think I do this because it is what is fed to us in this society because if we really think about it, we all put labels on things. But I struggle especially because I have the feeling that I need to classify myself within this crazy world of labels. So I find myself always trying to figure myself out instead of just living life. I do not have a set style or look I can claim nor do I want one. I like being the way I am on any given day. Some days I feel chill others I feel really masculine and others feminine. So this problem stems from my every-changing personality, because my personality is so layered labeling myself is so complicated
I don't know you guys, I have come to the conclusion that I need to just live life rather than labeling it. So this is what I will do in the future....
I hope so cause baby you only live once and if you spend it focused on others....youre gonna lose the beautiful man you truly are and really regret it later on. YOU ARE WHOM YOU ARE!
ReplyDeleteThanks Stella