Thursday, October 8, 2009

National Poetry day

I started writing actual poems not too long ago and it has been one of the best things I could have possibly done for myself. I mean I was a constant journal writer and I always would write these long entrees about how my entire day went. After a while I was trying to find a way to relay my feelings and not take all day. So I started to write poems and it was awesome. At first, I was just writing random things, but now I feel I can express myself so much better as a person because of my poetry writing. So here's to you poetry, thank you for letting me paint on an empty canvas.

In honor of National Poetry Day I will give you this poem!!!!!! YAY!!!!

Title: Blowing By

Wind…..Wind….. Flowing through my hair
As aggressively as an angry cab driver seeking his unpaid fare
Rushing, Whipping, going on a tear
To hide this child’s despair
See most people looking from the outside don’t care
About the life changing burden this child must bare
However strange, However Uncommon, However rare
Is the burden this child must now bare
The wind knows about this burden and says to the child “do not fear”
“I am here to blow away your problem, I am here”
But the frightened child by this point was too afraid to hear
The call from the wind
So stuck as if the child were a meek dear
Caught in the bright headlights of life
The call from the wind to the child seemed so unclear
It informed the child of the future which would soon be near
The wind blew and blew with all its power
To solve the child’s problem within the hour
But it could not succeed because the burden still seemed to somehow tower
Over the child’s mind always reaching higher
And once the wind realized the burden was too big to defeat on this day
The wind eventually blew away
Tumbling in the fields with the bundles of hay
Leaving the child with this earth shattering burden
Leaving the child’s heart in utter dismay

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