Tuesday, August 22, 2017

An Original: Where is He

Where is He??

I don't know where you are
Don't know where you reside
All I know is you're not with me
I'm blind unable to see into your eyes

My heart aches and breaks for you
Wanting you near
Needing your calm to cure my fears

Searching in this cold world for you
Without You.....

Searching and Looking for your warmth
Your lips aren't pressed against mine
You're not laying in my arms after a long day
I know you're out there
Just not with me

What lessons must I learn to be worthy of your love
Why must we be apart when we fit one another like a glove
Why can't we just start.....Living......Together
Through eternity

When will I become us
When will I have a partner in this game called life
We can conquer each level together
Riding around destroying the obstacles easily
Because we are always looking out for one another

I want to make memories
Want to repel those entities who are really our enemies
Want someone to take on the world with
Someone who will have my back
Someone who loves me terribly and unconditionally

Oh where are you and where am I
I don't want to wait until we reach the sky
I want to feel your flesh here on earth
Your breath on the back of my neck when you kiss it and ask, "Baby how was your day."
I just hope you need me as much as I do you
Just reveal yourself to me and I'll always be true

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I'm Back Snitches!!!!!!

Well I'm Back!!!!!!

OMG It's been such a long time fam!!!!! I have missed all of you and I am happy to report that I am going to start blogging again.

I was in the world of retail so that didn't really allow me to blog as much as I would have liked but now I have the itch again.

So many things to talk about so many things that has happened really so sit back and relax on this blogging adventure